Monday, March 31, 2008

Little Pink Houses

Oksana got a new (slightly used) bike for just being a good girl a few weekends ago! It is pink with all of the things a little girl needs. It has a bell and a basket and banana seat. She likes to put her stuffed animals in the basket as she rides.

On Saturday, she rode her bike, while I walked the dogs. She loves to babble about everything and asks lots of questions. Mommy look at the tree. Mommy what is this?
As we stopped for a moment to look at a house for sale in the neighborhood, she said mommy we need a new house. I looked at her and asked why? She said because we need a PINK house! If you are going to dream, then best to dream big and in pink!


Nataliya said...

Hi there! I love your new blog!

Jane said...

Ok, I have to ask-what on earth is a banana seat (sounds frightening to me)