Friday, September 12, 2008

Turning Four

Oksana turns four today.

She has been waiting for this day with great anticipation and excitement!

Oksana what would you like for your birthday?

"A pony".

"Well we would need a barn for a pony."

"Oh, okay I want a Barbie."

"What kind of Barbie?"

"A pink Barbie!"
((And that is one of her presents.))

Yesterday at school, they celebrated her pre-birthday. She proudly wore her birthday hat and carried her birthday picture card to show everyone! At Speech Therapy, she proudly walked up to all of the parents and showed them her picture! When asked if it was her birthday, she said no it is tomorrow! How old are you they asked. I am three today, tomorrow I will be four!

As, I tucked her in last night. She sleepily she told me the following:

When I am four, I can get my own fruit snacks down. I will be able to swim in the deep end. I get to use big people shampoo! Then she fell asleep...smiling.

This morning, she awoke excited knowing that today is her birthday. We have it all a surprise but she knows it will be fun!

She is going with Grandpa to the children's museum, then to lunch. After her nap, Grandpa will take her with him to a log cabin park and then we will pick her up for her birthday surprise just the way she dreamed with pink ballons, cake, presents and fun!! ((but no pony))

Happy Birthday Oksana!


Zack, Jenn and William said...

Happy Birthday Oksana!!

ArtworkByRuth said...

I didn't realize how mature "four" could be! Please get the pony. I've been waiting for someone else to so we could send the kids over...Happy Birthday Oksana!

Meridith said...

S dnem rozhdeniya!
Happy Birthday from Mimi Cate and her family!

Debora Hoffmann said...

Happy birthday, Oksana! How wonderful to be 4 years old. :-) Maybe you could find a pink pony somewhere...

Jane said...

Would she like a cat? We could spare one!!!!

Happy birthday, little one....
