Saturday, September 6, 2008


I love to watch HG TV Network! They have a Show which allows you to see What You Get for the money, for the same price, in different areas of the country.

I am always amazed by the prices of some of the homes with about 1800 sq feet, in Southern CA for example, that might cost $450,000, and you could buy the same house here in Ohio for

Well on Yahoo today, the city we live near was rated number seven for the most affordable housing markets:

7. Dayton, Ohio Median home price: $102,000 Median household income: $59,800 Share of homes affordable to median-income families: 85.4% Share of affordable homes in Q2 1998: 83.8%.


Just think what you could buy if you sold your home in San Diego and moved to Ohio! You would suddenly have a 5,000 sq ft mansion!

I guess being a Buckeye is pretty cool after all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

exactly why i went from so-Cal to WA, and then WA to TX!! gosh, Ohio is way cheaper than TX even!!!