Saturday, August 30, 2008

brussel sprouts

Can someone please explain, what is the problem with one of these in a bowl ready for dinner?

I know they are not everyone's favorite persay, but it is just a little baby cabbage after all right?
Anyway our dinner went something like this:
Oksana (prior to the boys coming to the table as bad influences)
Mommy May I have one?
Sure honey!
Then.. the look. You know the one that says it all...gross!
Then she cried," I don't like it" and there it sat on the table, like a squished green ball.
Enter the boys for dinner..
Larry advoiding eye contact with them. As if by not seeing them, then perhaps they don't exsist and I won't ask why he didn't have any.
Vitaly proudly taking one (as he is not a picky eater and will try everything) and then.. that look (again)..and then "YUCK!"
Nikolai just laughing, because we all knew in advance he would rather eat dog food, then a dreaded brussel sprout or any cabbage.
Mom (big sigh) eats half the bowl with no problems.
I guess I know the only person that will be eating the leftovers!


Amy said...

I love cabbage,cooked with butter, made into slaw, in borscht in Ukraine, MMMMMM! As a matter of fact we have 5 heads ready in the garden right this minute. BUT, I agree with Nikolai, I would rather eat dog food than Brussel Sprouts. More power to you sister, you get healthy and eat those little green things, none for me though. LOL!

Jane said...

My mother loves them, the rest of our family HATED them. My Dad used to even grow them in the garden for her. She used to try to get us to eat them but we tried everything to get out of it. My Dad used to tell us to hide them under our potatoes as we were always allowed to leave those if we were full!!!!

Megan said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. I enjoyed checking out both of your blogs as well! It's always so fun to see how many Ukie kiddos have found their way into loving families. :) You have a beautiful family.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Hubby won't even let me cook it in the house because of the smell! (but two of three kids like em!) We like ours with butter and a little bit of lemon...
Hey, I have trouble posting on your other blog. Hope you have sent in the paperwork by now?

Staci and Damon said...

Can't say that I personally like brussel sprouts! I was wondering if you had gotten my email with questions about the airplane ride and a child under two. Sometimes my email doesn't send...

Anonymous said...

I love brussel sprouts, Surprised V didnt like them. The child will eat ALMOST anything. Miss the little buggers. Love Aunt Rah Rah