Sunday, August 24, 2008

August in Pictures

First we celebrated Vitaly's birthday at his choosing which was a chicken wings place known here locally (Frickers for all that know LOL). He chose it for the "game room"
and his dear "special aunt and uncle" joined us for his awesome birthday (love ya aunt rah and uncle Mark)

Here is the bday kid with his Kidz Bop cd and new CD player.

Here is Oksana practicing her favorite sport soccer or ballon kicking inside the house
she is a natural!
Mia Hamm watch out!
(a new in style bobbie socks notice they dont match- one must be nik's and one Oksana's)
The shirt though I designed myself for the 2007 UA angel reunion. It says adopt an angel!
Are you ready for some football....
Nikolai "The Paralyzer" waiting for his first game
The Paralyzer!

And now for the half time the cheerleader.

Introducing Vitaly "Slammin" S.
The third grade terror

Over the weekend we attended a friend's birthday
Luau partywhich was a lot of fun.
Where is the surf dude

Aloha Ohio style
(V and Dad scoring some food!)

Check out the feast and my cool shirt
The best of friends ready to have some birthday party fun!
Happy August!

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