Friday, August 8, 2008


Today is a special day. It is 08/08/08. That alone is pretty cool.
What makes it even more special is that it is someone's birthday.

Today is Vitaly's ninth birthday.

What a big number.

What a milestone for a child that was labeled "failure to thrive" and would have been a possible long-term orphanage sentence, if he had not been adopted.
A child that weighed 11 pounds at fifteen months old.
(so tiny)
A baby that didn't know how to eat solid foods, had his little hands clenched in fists (taught so he would not touch the bottle!), a baby that had barely smiled or laughed or had the chance to crawl (if ever). A baby that had been turned "down" by another family.
(here he is having a cookie for the first time, one itty bitty piece at a time)
Luckily, we saw past the imperfections and labels and saw a child needing a family. We found our son.
(mommy meets her son-notice his little fist)
Today he is a happy, healthy, very tall, silly, friendly boy. A boy that still needs some TLC.

A boy just looking for lots of fun and adventure, the way all boys do.

Happy Birthday Vitaly!
May all of your wishes be blessed!

(and no you will not be getting a real "Hummer"-but it is okay to still wish)

We love you!


Mamapierce said...

Happy Birthday Vitaly! :o)

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Hope you have a great birthday, Vitaly!!