Thursday, June 17, 2010

A little Trim

Nik and I were relaxing on the porch when he asked me:

"Mom, why don't you have hair under your arms?"

I looked at him and said- why am I supposed to?

He stated, well some girls have hair. I said like who?

He said Brittney Spears and Lady Gaga.

(Now, I have no idea if the above is true or not, and I am not confirming).

I said, I do not because I shave my legs and underarms.

He said,
"Well, daddy needs to shave then too!"


Annie said...

I'm glad I haven't looked at Lady Gaga or Madonna that closely.

Thanks for visiting my blog - Dayton is a lovely city; we used to go there every year for an Irish Dance competition out at the fairgrounds.

Martinfamily4 said...


Jane said...

Have you told him about waxing yet? That'll blow his mind.....