Thursday, April 5, 2012


Wow talk about neglectful!  I almost forgot I had a blog!  Luckily I remembered my password.   I was sitting thinking of my daughter's blog as it is the anniversary of her "gotcha day" or in adoption wordspeak the day she was announced by the court as OURS!.  Sadly, her blog disappeared into cyberspace one day, and I have not been able to retrieve it.  Two days we were walking and she had so many questions about being adopted and I told her that her gotcha day was today and she was ecstatic.  (at least I think it is today so that is the day I will be using).  Darn I wish I could get her blog back.  She has all of the questions, but frankly many of the answers and memories are locked away in that site.  Six years recall is not easy especially when you did this journey three times.  Everything begins to get muddled.  I told her some of her story.  She found it fascinating.  Wish I had the pictures I put on the sight as well but stupid me stuck them on there thinking that I would retrieve them (I downloaded my camera to the blog while in Ukraine for space).  Nope.  Cannot be located.

Anyway a quick gotcha day shout out to my special little ukie princess with the long blonde hair and eyes the color of blue and grey that sparkle with wonder and delight!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Happy Gotchya day to Oksana. She is a special little girl. So sad that you lost your blog though