Thursday, December 18, 2008

How life can change

How life can change in a day.

Larry has been feeling ill for a few weeks now.

Typical upper respiratory symptoms of chronic cough, ache, wheezing, pain etc… Over Thanksgiving he went to an Urgent Care who gave him some antibiotics and sent him on his way. Still, he just didn’t feel like he was recovering with pain in his chest and arm. Thinking he probably had pneumonia he went to our family Physician on Monday. They took a chest xray, mentioned his blood pressure was higher then typical and ordered some blood work and a stress test in the next few days.

On Tuesday morning predawn, he awoke me saying he needed to go to the hospital. Thinking the pneumonia was the cause of the panic, I packed up the kids and drove to the closest hospital. After letting him off at the ER, I parked and brought the kids in to see how he was doing. He was having tests run and he said bye to the kids, so I could take them to school. I returned to the hospital to find out that he was suffering a heart attack; and would be airlifted to another hospital with a Heart Cath Lab.

Oksana and I said good-bye and left to meet them at the next hospital.

His procedure was successful and they were able to fix him.

Noone saw it coming. Not even our family Physician, who called in complete disbelief.

He is 43. He is active. He is barely overweight. He has never smoked. He eats his veggies and fruits and has a varied diet. He doesn’t look like a heart attack waiting to happen. But, it did.

He has been the model patient and luckily will be going home very soon, and healed.

Wake up call!


Zack, Jenn and William said...

Wow, that is unbelievable. Thankfully he was listening to his body and not ignoring the signs. So glad that everything is okay now!


ArtworkByRuth said...

You posted that so clearly- you must still be in shock! I can't imagine just days after our anniversary having to live through that! My husband is NOT the poster child of health and I always remind him that none of this matters if I cannot have him with me to live it!
Hugs and prayers for you and your family!
PS: How are the kids with this?

Tami said...

Wow. SO glad he paid attention to the warning signs. We'll be praying for his complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Leanna, I am so glad I decided to check your blog today. That is just awful, I'm so sorry--but I'm thrilled to read he's a model patient and is on the mend. Please keep us posted. I'm sending healing vibes from Atlanta....xoxo

Jane said...

Wow, it's hard to believe that things can happen as quickly as they do sometimes. Unfortunately, if you don't have any/many of the rish factors for cardiovascular disease, it still does not mean that you are immune to it. I am glad that he is doing better

Martinfamily4 said...

Take care of the family - Glad to hear things are on the mend. What a tramautic thing for your family to go through with the added stress of the holidays. We are praying.

Debora Hoffmann said...

I am so glad he's doing well now and that they were able to help him. Praise God!

Staci and Damon said...

Leanna - I am so sorry to hear about Larry!!! I am glad he is doing well, and I hope his health continues to improve. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Annie said...

My gosh. I am so glad he is OK. My husband gave me a terrible scare last March...he was in the hospital nearly all month and they had no idea what was wrong... Eventually they figured out it was ketone-acidosis. But before that they first feared he would die, then went on to discuss putting him in a psych hospital! It is terrifying how everything can change, isn't it?

Leslie said...

Oh my goodness! Who knew, Leanna??? Glad to hear Larry is on the mend. Good reminder to pay attention!