Monday, December 22, 2008


It just seems a bit surreal right now.
To think that on Monday night I celebrated 19 years as a wife, and on Tuesday, I could have been a widow with three small children.

Larry is doing extremely well. He is adjusting to his new lifestyle. He is advoiding foods that before were second nature, as a meal. He is not over exerting himself. It is weird to know that my very strong, tall and athletic husband will no longer be shoveling snow or helping my father with his hay baling, during the summer. It is a new adjustment that is for sure.
Maybe, allowing Vitaly the opportunity to mow the grass on his own was definitely a good thing!

Our friends, family, and blogger buddies have been sooooo supportive! Thank you for the flowers and food. Thank you and God Bless you all!


Jane said...

I am so glad that things are going well. If only we could adopt healthier lifestyles before we get the wake-up call, but we don't.....
Yes, the possibility of single parenthood is a frightening prospect!!!!

ArtworkByRuth said...

So glad he is home and hopefully you all will have a quiet yet JOYFUL Christmas this week! HUGS!

Tami said...

So glad to hear he's doing better. We'll keep praying for him...and for you as you make these life changes.