Friday, December 12, 2008

The Results

Well the results came in for Nikolai's growth hormone testing and the verdict....

He is destined to be small.

There are no abnormalities that they can locate to explain his height deficiency, therefore qualifying for growth hormones. Now the only way he could get the growth hormones is if we pay for them ourselves without any assistance from insurance. That is not a possibility. I have heard the cost is in the thousands.

I feel for him. I have been very short all of my life, so I know the challenges he will face.

I know it will be harder for a boy.

Thank goodness he is such a nice, funny and beautiful child and can light up a room with his gorgeous dimpled smile! Besides he doesn't really want to be a basketball player, he would much rather be "the Paralyzer" and cause havoc on the football field!


Jane said...

If he's not GH deficient, he'd only gain maybe an inch or two in height. It's not worth it. Years of daily injections and the $20,000 to $30,000 per year the shots cost. Maybe he can be a jockey.He's so flipping cute.....

Staci and Damon said...

How tall is Nikolai? I just never thought of him being that small...I told Damon that I wonder if Wesley will always be small. He has the shortest little legs I have ever seen!!

Hope you are all doing well!!

Anonymous said...

You may want to go to a website by families of children with growth issues. Look at and check out SGA or RSS. If he is not growing well, there must be a cause. It is not just his visible height that is affected. Check them out.
Signed a mom who went through it too!