Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Phase One...

Phase One: Becoming a pre-teen, a trip to the Orthodontist

Vitaly was referred to the Orthodontist by our Dentist for a severe overbite.

Now,he needs a spacer to do this and that to his bite, for about nine months.

Total cost for such an appliance such as this:

that goes in the roof of your mouth.....
a little over $3500!
And that doesn't even cover the costs of the braces to follow. (don't even want to know what they will cost, but 5K seems @ average)
Then the Orthodontist looked around at my other two cuties, checked their teeth and agreed they too would be seeing him in the future. Big sigh.
Oh and looking at supplemental insurance plans to our own plan, they do not help when it comes to the Orthodontist.
Luckily for Vitaly it came in many colors, glitters and swirls. His pick...
Orange and Black.
The same colors as his two favorite football teams: His Black Attack team and the Bengals

1 comment:

Jane said...

Even though we don't have many second teeth yet, I can already tell that we're going to be buying an orthodonist somewhere a new car....