Friday, December 18, 2009


Sunday was not a good day for my dog Skye. Our old rescued dog that doesn’t like strangers, has been to a dog psychologist and is a hard-working Border Collie. We think she is 12 but we are not for sure.

On Saturday, she had gone for a walk and was her old annoying self- barking at any perceived threat, jumping on the table in hopes of grabbing the kid’s food, stealing “treats”, scratching at the carpet, etc…

Then on Sunday, she seemed a bit lethargic. Limping a little the way she does when her old hips hurt. So, Larry took Stormy for a walk and Skye stayed behind with me.
Suddenly, she went right down hill. She vomited, walked into the furniture, got completely confused, fell over and her eyes started to twitch.

I held her and cried and called out for anyone to help (like the kids) but everyone was outside. Finally, Larry showed up and I said she needs to go to the Emergency Vet right now! So he carried her to the car, I cried and said good-bye thinking this was the end.

Then he called and said he was bringing her home and she had a degenerative vestibular disease and yes it can come on that fast. The last few days have passed and she has slowly getting better. Her head tilts to the left and she doesn’t like to stand, but she is alive and even oversees Stormy’s behavior with the occasional bark and growl.

Now, only time will tell what her future holds; and if she can improve enough to lead an old dog’s slow life.

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