Monday, December 29, 2008

The weekend past

Two oclock on Christmas morning the boys awoke.
We had to re-direct them after many cries of glee back to their beds.
At seven am, mom and dad agreed that it was time to see what Santa had left:

Nail polish (her number one request), a Dora vanity, and Leapster for Oksana
A Digital camera, razor scooter and a GI Joe for Nikolai
A Razor scooter, GI Joe and a new 18 speed for Vitaly
Assorted Bengal gear, jeans and a new hammer (broken earlier in the summer by Vitaly) for dad
Fry Skillet, muffin pan and a yearly Christmas cold for mom

After a wonderful brunch with Larry's family, it was time to unwind and give thanks for the gifts and the birth of Jesus.

On Saturday it was a balmy 68 degrees in Ohio! We opened our windows and played outside. Saturday night, mom spent a few hours catching up with a dear childhood friend. Sunday, we ventured to my Aunt's house in Columbus. We had an awesome time! My dear cousin is pregnant and as we were talking, Miss Oksana was listening in.

I turned to her and said, Ms. C was having a baby! Oksana's eyes and mouth flew open in awe! Then she turned to me and asked in complete wonder...

"How does the baby get out??!!"

Oh the questions of a four year old in a room full of people~

I will post some pictures of the past few days soon!


ArtworkByRuth said...

TWO IN THE MORNING!? Good thing Santa wasn't late...Our sweet boys asked to cuddle with us before going down to get their stockings!
BTW ~~~~~~~PPPPTTTTHHHPT~~~~ to your 68 degrees! LOL! So glad hubby is doing well! HUGS!

junglemama said...

Merry Christmas!