Friday, November 14, 2008

GH Testing

My poor Nikolai is getting tested today for Growth Hormone Stimulation Testing. Yesterday, I talked to him about it and tried to explain they were going to see if how big of a football player he was going to get!!!

He began to cry. I think they are all still a little traumatized from Oksana's hospital stay.

I did not tell him what the procedure would be, but this is what they are doing:

"Growth hormone stimulation: This test requires intravenous administration of medications and the withdrawal of frequent blood samples, which are obtained at 0, 60, and 90 minutes after injection of arginine and/or insulin. The patient should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the test."

We all know having blood drawn is no fun!

So, I didn't tell him.

The good thing about this test is it will determine, if he is small because genetics or if he is small because there are other factors involved. If so, he may qualify for growth hormones. At his last Endocrinology appointment, his growth had slowed even more then the year before. He is in the negative five percentile on the growth chart.

This morning as he prepared to leave with his dad, he came into the bathroom to say good-bye.

He looked at me and said, "Mommy I am going to be brave."

I gave him a hug and kiss and he left.

He is a brave little boy!


Jane said...

It shouldn't be too bad. They should put a butterfly in so they don't need to stick him repeatedly. Ben's worst thing was that he got really hungry towards the end of it and they also gave him l-dopa which can make them sleepy & nauseous. He started crying becaise he didn't want to go to sleep. Once it was over, we went and ate & he was fine. I hope they took a DVD player with them!!!!

ArtworkByRuth said...

O Ouch! Praying for your brave boy today!

Tami said...

What a brave little guy!
If we had decent health insurance Anya would be going through the same testing right now. As it is, we'll have to wait unti I find a job with adequate coverage. I'm anxious to see how the testing went and the results.

junglemama said...

We just went through this with my one daughter. Turns out the HGT is going to cost aver $500 a month. Just FYI.