Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pics by Kids. Org

Have you ever downloaded pictures to find that your children have used their own artistic talent to complete the set...

I will start with pictures that I took...

Oksana rooting for her brothers at football finals before her surgery

Recovering from her surgery day four

Leaving Shriner's (she looks so skinny she must have lost ten pounds)

Nikolai locating mom's hose on the back of a washed rug and walked up asking what is THIS???

((They look like a smashed cow patty! GROSS))

((( oh and if you double click they max size therefore my smashed panty's grow even bigger.
OH JOY!!!)))

And now presenting anonymous photos by family members under the age of ten:

Suspect photographer number 1 probably photographed himself due to posture of arms and due to evidence of close up number two below..(and others not posted)

Suspect photographer is again number one again due to other suspicious people in the following pictures..of children taking pictures of "rule breaking"; which means jumping on the bed and also throwing a ball in the house.
Busted number one Nikolai..

Busted number Two , Oksana(with busted number 1)

and finally the joy of jumping seen here...

Verdict::: Guilty of breaking the rules and taking pictures!
Now the following only speak for themselves either taken by boy 1 and or 2 due to room where objects inhabit...

Obvious football theme

Trophy theme again (disclaimer not responsible for dust or unorganization due to full time motherhood)

And last I think this shows some artistic talent!

Challenge:::: Now to all of my blogger friends/ familyfriends and anyone else that wants to play just because!-- time to show your children's hidden photo talents
Be sure and post your link so everyone else can enjoy :)


Annie said...

How coincidental! I found some photos on my camera, too. I think my daughter Anastasia was getting artistic.

Annie said...

Almost forgot!