Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mommy Only Day

Yesterday, I had a “mommy only” day!

It was a federal holiday for me, but the kids still had school (so, I did not feel like I was neglecting them).

Larry dropped the kids off at the sitter’s to catch the bus, and I went back to sleep.

I slept until 9:00 am, without interruption, which was wonderful!

Then, I had a nice long bath and went to the salon to get my hair done.

I decided to treat myself to lunch and some shopping at the mall. I even bought a couple of new tops for myself.
I had hoped to maybe catch a movie, that only I wanted to see and wasn’t rated G, but I ran out of time.

When I got to the sitter’s she said you are early. Then, she said wait you didn’t work it was a holiday and you got your hair done!

I just smiled.

It was definitely a well-deserved treat and completely refreshing!

1 comment:

Tami said...

What a nice treat!