Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Are they REAL Brothers and Sisters?

Are they “real” brothers and sisters?

What defines real?

A family is made up of more then flesh and bone.

How one becomes a part of the family may differ.

Some people are born into a family, others marry into a family, and some are adopted into a family.

Brothers and sisters are not defined by their looks or blood, but they are defined by the bond of love and devotion only siblings can share. They will be each others rocks in good and bad.

And someday, when we have gone to eternal life, they will be the elder generation of our family, with only each other left. There children will become the next generation of cousins and generations from now, noone will remember they were not joined by blood.

Two brothers and one sister reminiscing about childhood memories, vacations, holidays, family and friends and all of the things that others will never know, that didn't have that special bond.

Yes, they are REAL brothers and sisters, just like we are their REAL parents!


Debora Hoffmann said...

Right on! After all, we marry someone we're not related to... ;-) I can't imagine someone asking whether they're "real" brothers and sisters. I guess I would understand the question better were it "Are they biological siblings?"!

Annie said...

That word "real" always makes me flinch. We have bio kids, too, so people will sometimes refer to our "real" kids; and then Anastasia and Ilya are biological siblings as well as adopted siblings so there is that version of "real", too. You know, I just say, "You mean biological?" or, with a laugh, "They're real enough!!" I think people really don't know the right word. I can sort of "set them straight" without chastising too much. The fact that I don't accept their word as they use it, seems to be enough; I always see a recognition in their eyes, and if I have used the word "biological" then they seem sort of relieved. Perhaps that word is one they are not sure they should use.

junglemama said...

Great post!

Anonymous said...

hi Leanna!

i just noticed your new blog the other day, and was going to come over here & comment b4 i saw your comment on my blog. it will be easier to leave u comments now because with WordPress, i can't ever remember the password i set up for that account since i hardly use WordPress! : P

anyways, thanks for the comment & i will definitely follow along your new blog! your children are *definitely* REAL siblings and i love seeing how much Oksana has grown! :)

Nataliya said...

Of course they are real! Love the picture - you have gorgeous kids!