Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today is a very special day.
I know why it is special, but my daughter is too small to understand the significance.
Today is what is known in the adoption circle, as "Gotcha Day"

You are mine!
You are the daughter I had dreamt about.
You filled a void I never knew I had until, I met you.
You made my world change in a beautiful way.
You opened my eyes to the beauty in a world, that only little girls can see.
You opened my eyes to baby dolls, Elmo, hair bows and the color pink.
You were my daughter not be birth but by God's intervention.
I was led to you because I opened my heart to the children, that others may have found flawed.
I found you flawless.
I have found that a little girl can change the views of those around her.
I have found that a little girl can be a mommy's best friend.
I have found that you adore me, no matter what flaws I have.
I found you!
Forever you will be my daughter
Because on this date, the country of Ukraine gave me you.
I am forever grateful.
I love you Oksana Elizabeth!



ArtworkByRuth said...

Thank you for both posts, love the Anne Geddes too!
God Bless you and your family as you continue to grow and bond!

Nataliya said...

Happy Gotcha Day! You and Oksana are so blessed to have each other!