Saturday, April 12, 2008


I finally completed my taxes today.

You think I would have done them earlier, because we still had the carryover from last year, for the adoption credit. But, I put them off and the clock was ticking.

The adoption tax credit is so nice! It really does help.

When people don't think they can afford adoption, they really need to remember such benefits exsist; and if you adopt more then one child you get it for each one.

For my children, I received a county one time special needs qualifying expenses, from the state of Ohio. Each one got $2000.00 after the adoption was completed.

The state tax adoption credit is $500.00

The Federal tax adoption credit is $11,390.00. (Although this was not the amount in 2000, when we adopted V, then it was only $5000.00)

So for Oksana's adoption we received $13,890.00 in expenses reimbursement. Not too shabby.

The costs to adopt any of my children: priceless!


Sam Sylar said...

We are even better off, the adoption tax credit in MO is $5000 for each one!!!! Of course, we never see quite that much because the state is broke!!!!

Debora Hoffmann said...

I'm with you. The more the merrier! I hope God allows us to have a passel of kids, and I'm not talking because of the tax credit (though I'm sure it'll help us afford to bring them home). :-)