Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weight Watchers

I have been going to Weight Watchers for about six weeks now. Every Saturday morning around 0830, I pay my fee and then weigh in.

I am just amazed that after all of these years and all of the "diets" I have been on (indefinitely) that this really works. I think what makes it work for me is not wanting to get on the scale and have it go up and some lady talking to me about what I did wrong that week or what plan did I follow. Last week I only lost a half pound. The kind older woman started to ask me "What plan are you doing the flex or the core plan?" (Weight watcher lingo)

I couldn't lie to her so instead of picking one (I really do a bit of both but I dont count any points), I told her I was doing the not eating plan. She said now now sweety you need to follow one of the plans. Hey, my plan is working for me. I seriously find it very hard to sit down and eat junk food right now, or even breads and starches. I cannot do it. This past week I ate homemade vegetable soup for lunch all week with fruits and veges and some cheese or nuts. Breakfast was two hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and strawberries. Dinner was one or two bites of protein and veges. It is pretty simple but not a lot of food. I couldn't even think about eating potato chips or desert! I have also been walking the dogs, almost nightly, when it is nice out.

My total weight loss as of today: 9 pounds! I feel better and maybe, just maybe, I will lose my 10% goal by my birthday in May.


Sam Sylar said...

Congratulations on losing 9 lbs, hope you reach your goal. We felt the earthquake too......

Kirk, KayLynn, & Kelby said...

Good job on the weight loss! 9lbs! That is awsome. What you are doing is working just keep it up.
God Bless